Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 Days of Christmas- Christmas Day!

December 25,2014-

It is Christmas Day!
I hope everyone has a great Christmas day today! All the best wishes for my Six Legged Companion Teams out there!
Okay, the next week we should be thinking about our New Year Resolutions! Are we happy where we are in EVERY aspect of our lives?.....If so great! If not, it's okay too! It just means we need to set some goals for ourselves- whether that's losing a few pounds, spending more time with our pets, our loved ones, bettering or strengthening our relationships, whatever it may be.....we can together work towards getting to exactly were you want to be! And I mean where YOU want to be not where society or family and friends want you to be!
So are you ready to make those changes?!?!?!
First I want you to take some time today to first ENJOY your Christmas and celebrate with your pets/ companions and other loved ones! Second, I want you to really evaluate where you are now and think ok, am I truly happy- hey maybe you are exactly where you want to be (and I hope you are!) and that is GREAT! But if you really want something else or a change in your life, let's talk!....As a health coach, I want to make sure that my clients are well rounded in their lives and I will do anything to help them (and I must admit myself in return) be where they really want to be to be happy- because as we all know the happier we all are the healthier we are! EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EVERTHING (in one way or another- directly or indirectly!)
If you want to work with me to meet your goals you can contact me here:
And don't forget to check out my book on


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Day 24

December 24, 2014-

It is Christmas Eve! Santa comes tonight! Have you been nice or naughty? Will you leave cookies and milk for Santa?......

I've made a decision for my holiday meal- and believe it or not- it looks like Christmas too!
Ya ready- here it goes.....
KALE SALAD....ok, there are different ways of making Kale Salad but this is what I prefer......
Here is the recipe:
Kale ( I like lacinato or Dinosaur kale)but any Kale will do.....
Red Pepper
Olive Oil
Ground Pepper
What to do:
cut the kale into small ribbons- to do this take the kale leaves and roll them like a cigar, and then take a knife and cut the roll into little strips- you determine the width yourself, I prefer them narrow strips......
Dice the red pepper, you can cut them however you choose- I prefer them in tiny little rectangular/ square pieces.....
Dice up the tomato.....
Cut the scallion- cut off the tip and any yucky, cut the scallion from the ball on up- I use the whole thing......
Cut the avocado- you will really only be using 1/4 to 1/2 of the avocado- (the pit will help preserve the avocado for next time, and help it from not turning brown and yucky)......
Ok, in a bowl put the kale, red pepper, tomato, scallion, and avocado, a dash of salt (to your liking), and some ground pepper, oh yeah and some olive oil (about 1 tbsp. should be enough-if you feel you need more it is up to you or you can leave the oil out all together) I like the flavor that the olive oil adds to the mix.
Now massage all the ingredients together, the kale will start to break down and get softer, the avocado provides a creamy texture to the whole thing and the more you massage the avocado and olive oil with the kale the easier it will be to'll know you massaged enough when the kale looks like a Christmas tree with the red lights (red pepper) and all the trimmings (everything else)......
Pretty easy simple recipe huh?!?!?!? Healthy.....Awesome......
A little hint the kale can be tough to digest so cutting it small and really massaging it will help!
Yes, I admit this is where I got this recipe and if anything is different it just shows you can change any recipe to make it suit you!
Tomorrow we'll be talking more about New Year Resolutions!....Are you ready to set your reolutions for the upcoming year?....No, ok we'll do it together!....Yes, alright I will be there to help you succeed in following through and keeping those resolutions!
And don't forget to check out my book on


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

25 Days to Christmas Day 23

December 23, 2014-

New Years Resolutions!

They started in ancient times with the Babylonians who promised the start of each year to return borrowed objects and pay debts and with the Romans making promises to the god Janus (who January is named ). Knights took the peacock vow at the end of the Christmas season to confirm their commitment to chivalry.

Religiously, the Jewish faiths and Catholics faiths have their similar traditions.

Popular resolutions would include:
  • Lose weight
  • Exercise more
  • Eat Better
  • Drink Less (Alcohol)
  • Quit Smoking
  • Better financial situation
  • Better Career
  • Educate yourself more
  • Reduce Stress
  • Be more organized
  • Reduce Stress
  • Watch less TV
  • Take a trip
  • Volunteer more
  • Make new friends
  • Spend quality time with family members
  • Settle down, get engaged/get married, have kids
A 2007 study involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study's participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.
Note that talking with a health coach about setting goals and new year resolutions can help people keep their resolutions, and how they stick with them over time step by step!

Monday, December 22, 2014

25 Days to Christmas Day 22

December 22, 2014-

As we draw closer to Christmas and the end of 2014! We continue on our journey together towards happier and healthier lives together with our dogs!

I feel as if some days I haven't written much about our furry friends as I would have liked to so I dedicate this blog to my dogs and our holiday guest, Monty!

Today, Scout and I will share our run with Monty- and let him determine how far and how fast we go- ok, overall I will have the ultimate say in this as most dogs can outrun any human! But I will do my best to let him choose the speed.

I am kind of scared about the speed of him in running because I know that his owners are both faster runners and well accomplished athletes. I know they say that they haven't had time for a lot of training lately BUT I think they have and they are just trying to make me feel better about my training! is to a great training day ahead!...

Skyler, Sandy, Candycane and myself will also include him in on our Doga session! This should be fun, afterall they do say THE MORE THE MERRIER!......

I will also have yet another furry friend to help me in taking human exercises to the doggone doggie way! So I shall be busy this week coming up with more exercises for dog and human alike.

Who are you going to train with today? What will you do?

Did you plan on that Christmas dinner yet? Think about loading up on the fresh veggies and fruits first, and then the trimmings (if you will)......think about the impact that all your ingredients have on the world around you- the environment- the animals- you and your health!......And then plan your meal accordingly to let you heart be in everything you make and serve!

And don't forget to check out my book on

Sunday, December 21, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Day 21

December 21, 2014-

Christmas is this week!.....Oh my gosh!.....We already spent three weeks together!......
Loving every bit of it too! Wow, how are you doing? Are you down a size in your clothing?....Have you changed those unhealthy habits?......Is your life more organized?......Ok, I am going to give you the Magic Pill at the end of this blog......the magic pill for being the perfect YOU!
Don't Be Denied Be Supplied!
Stock your kitchen with these items to spice up your meals......any meal can be turned into a gourmet meal.....
Green Onions, cilantro, plum tomatoes, dill, lime,  carrots, and beets..... there are so many things you can do with these items to make any meal special and different! Remember FRESH is best!
Oh, when you have that next drs appt.....know what you want to accomplish.....write down your questions and you control the little bit of time that they give you and all their patients.....Make sure you cover what you want covered! I mean some drs only give each patient 5 mins of their actual time and then hand you over to their dr does this and spends more of my time talking with the assistant in the other room....RUDE!....Well Doc, guess what it's time the patients take back our time! My dogs veternarians actually spend time with their patients and examine them.....and talk to them as well as me! And they spend more than 5 minutes let me tell the next time you have that appt know what you want to accomplish and have that list of questions and ask away!
Walk around your room and look at how different things are.....and remember to never leave that room empty handed.......put your clothes away the right way!......
Did you know their is a MAGIC PILL?....Yes there is, the magic pill is something that doesn't cost a lot of money, you already have it in your possession!.......The MAGIC PILL is YOU!.......The doctors in the world are coming at me with pitchforks right now! YIKES!........But it's true, YOU control YOU, not that pill advertised on tv, not the doctor prescribing those pills, BUT YOU!.......Now, the doctor can be a help of course, or that health coach can be there to support your journey!.......And as a health coach I will be there to inform you and help you do the research that is necessary in your busy life. And your dogs life!.....I can be there when you are working and gather all that info so you can really enjoy those precious hours with your dog as opposed to googling, and going to library, hire that health coach, if I am not the one for you I can suggest someone that is right for you! Bottom line you are the MAGIC PILL, or the MAGIC in your life, never let anyone tell you you aren't! You may need a little extra help here and there but that is okay, there is a lot of info- conflicting info at that you may need to sort through that is where the doctor, the veterinarian, and the health coach come in! (Hint, I as a health coach (and all the fellow health coaches I know work with doctors and veternarians in gathering their info, and all!)
And don't forget to check out my book on

Saturday, December 20, 2014

25 Days of Christmas Day 20

December 20, 2014-

Okay, by this time, you gave up meat, dairy, refined sugars, processed food- This is how you should be eating forever.....(ok, you couldn't give up all dairy, you love your cheese....alright, but try to keep it all in moderation!) Think about what you eat, what you crave as not so much what you crave foodwise but it something about your job, your relationship, are you organized or do you need to clean out that sock draw?!?!??!

Rewards- Now, rewarding yourself for a job well done is a GREAT thing and I am totally behind this idea! BUT we don't have to reward ourselves with that BIG cookie. We can reward ourselves with a little massage, or a long massage......a new haircut......a walk with our dogs.....a new book...etc Let the reward match the accomplishment!

Support system- This is so important to our health. SO make a friend maintenance day! Call that friend and keep in touch with them.....or if they're really close get together with them- go to the dogpark, or a walk together!

Have a lot of people in your life been seeing the changes in you?....What about you, have you seen your changes?.....Do you need that whole new wardrobe yet?.......Are you the example for all those around you?.....My guess is that others are looking at you with envy and saying I want some of that!
SO put on your best outfit and strut your stuff today!

And don't forget to check out my book on

Friday, December 19, 2014

25 Days to Christmas Day 19

December 19, 2014-

Ok, so I have to share some awesome workout videos with you that I found and LOVE, I definitely feel the burn and with a little work I think these videos will definitely help my abs and lower abs......

My goal is to take these videos and find the dog assisted versions of them.....Cassey Ho, I have challenged myself and hope that maybe we can work on these videos in a joint video (even if we need to Skype to do so being that I live in NY, and I believe your in CA) and bring the dogs on it!
Alright moving right along......finding the solution to your problem is somewhere in the the research, look at it from another angle, and find the solution from within.
Amnesty Day!
Create your own amnesty day....go around your house, your car, and wherever else and find everything that belongs to someone else and RETURN this stuff.....Get the stuff out of your house, especially if it belongs to someone else. Set a regular time to do this as well....whether it is a weekly, monthly or quarterly task/ day DO it! Those friends and family members will absolutely appreciate you taking the time to do this, and your life will be less cluttered for it!
Why are you hiding it?
Everyone likes to hide some body part right?!?!?... Well hopefully your at a point after these 19 days that you can celebrate that body part......SO, make today a coming out party and celebrate it! Wear something that subtly reveals that body part!  My friend Julia from can help you do just go on over and check out her very fashionable blog for some awesome walking talk and proud tips!
Julia from
I think it is safe to say we all had pretend time growing up, or at least most of today let's step back and know have the FANTASY you want!
Pretend you have a date with that celebrity, old flame, whoever. And observe the difference in your energy, how you carry yourself, and the twinkle in your eye!

And don't forget to check out my book on